What is the difference between the term “sustainability” and “circular”?
To be circular means to think through the entire lifecycle of a product and the impact it has on the planet, its carbon footprint, and the people involved in producing the items. The circular economy is a sustainable system based on nature where “everything is healthy food for something else.” Waste and toxicity are designed out of the system, meaning that products are kept in use as long as possible, you use an efficient approach that limits discarded material, and you work to collect products after they’ve been used to reuse again.
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Lasting Environmental Change with Green 2.0
Green 2.0 is a non-profit that believes lasting environment change starts with every voice being heard. People of color are the most impacted by environmental problems and the least represented in positions of power. Green 2.0 believes that in the 21st century, the success of environmental causes will be based on our ability to transform them into more just, inclusive, and relevant organizations and movements.

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